Dylan Sada Dikabarkan Meninggal Dunia, Instagram Sang Model Dibanjiri Ucapan Belasungkawa

- 9 November 2020, 11:58 WIB
Model Dylan Sada dikabarkan meninggal dunia.
Model Dylan Sada dikabarkan meninggal dunia. /Instagram.com/@dylan_sada

Selain itu, banyak kerabat, teman, dan penggemar Dylan Sada lainnya yang mengucapkan belasungkawa pada unggahan Instagram Dylan.

Baca Juga: Lowongan Kerja Hari Ini: Ada BUMN, Beragam Posisi Dibutuhkan, Bahkan Ada yang Gajinya Rp8 Juta

Model cantik ini sebelumnya pernah menjadi perbincangan setelah mengungkapkan cerita di Instagramnya bahwa dia pernah menjadi korban kekerasan seksual yang dilakukan oleh ayah kandungnya dulu.

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I have a confession to make, I have been keeping this a secret for as long as I can remember. So much had happened that I think this is the right time to finally confess. I was sexually abused by my biological father when I was young, it's hard to believe that I still remember it, clearly. I knew it was wrong even then and there but I was young, I was afraid and ashamed to reach out to anyone, so I buried it. Growing up with such memories were hard, especially being back home where such things were considered a taboo, that is also another reason why I left my country at a young age to forget about it in hopes I can move on. I can't deny that it affected me greatly. I turned to alcohol and drugs, anything that can make me feel something. I'm not proud of it but it is what it is. I never understood why people look up to me, I feel like I'm fooling everyone. I was a mess, just trying to achieve my dreams and forget about my pain. It doesn't matter how fucked up I get or beautiful places I go, I hated that he is in my blood and he made me. My pain caused more pain when I fell into severe depression, for the longest time I was stuck. I couldn't create, I couldn't move forward, it feels like I'm stuck in limbo. It affected my first marriage, I lost many good friends along the way because I hated myself so much I couldn't accept love and help. I was destructive and I still am. I went through five failed suicide attempts, I hung myself about a month ago, but two people saved me. My boyfriend saved me, he has been there for me since I met him. I was so close but I guess it just wasn't my time again. I did that because I was tired, the idea of dying is such a release from living, coping with pain almost every day. Suicide may sound selfish to you, but if you suffered it for so long it's a different story. The only reason why I'm speaking up now is that I feel like I have to. I'm Indonesian, I'm proud to be Indonesian but unfortunately, mental health is often shrugged back home and it is an issue that is not openly talked about. I cannot stress enough how important this issue is, we need to be ok to talk about it, you should never be embarrassed if you are. (continued↓)

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Kejadian tersebut menjadi salah satu alasannya pindah ke luar negeri hingga menjadi model yang sukses di Amerika.

Pada unggahannya tersebut, Dylan juga bercerita bahwa dirinya pernah melakukan percobaan bunuh diri yang untung saja digagalkan dua orang terdekatnya.

Baca Juga: Saat Kinerja Ekonomi Jawa Barat Mulai Pulih, Sektor Konstruksi Masih Sulit

Sebagai orang Indonesia, Dylan sempat merasa kesehatan mentalnya tidak membaik di kampung halamannya.

Dylan juga mendorong orang-orang yang memiliki keresahan serupa sepertinya untuk berani berbicara dan tidak tidak merasa malu.


Editor: Fitri Nursaniyah


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